Monday, March 26, 2007

Eyeing Rudy

Larry Kudlow of Kudlow and Company aired his interview of Rudy Guiliani this evening. Guiliani looks like an excellent free market president; Kudlow compared his policies to ones that Hayek, von Mises and Friedman would support.

Here's a few:
-Against government health care.
-Against erecting trade barriers of any kind.
-Against any new taxes, including a carbon tax.

He did, however, speak of "energy independence" but if it happens spontaneously thanks to a deregulated power plant industry (he mentioned the virtues of nuclear power by name), then I don't really care. Besides, no politician is anywhere near close to perfect.

He was probably talking solely to Kudlow's audience and this was all just a lot of fluff. But in this new political climate-where democrats and, by extension their ideas, are very popular-it says a lot for him to disagree with them so consistently.

Note: I will be traveling a lot in the next two or so weeks and as such my blogging will be very erratic, if it appears at all.


Warren said...

Here's what Reason had to say.

Anonymous said...

read these

Giuliani's propositions are founded in weak platitudes and debunked myth. Why anybody would take him seriously is beyond me.