Sunday, April 02, 2006

April's Most Random Wikipedia Page Is...

On Mike's request, I decided to repeat last month's theme post and offer the most random Wikipedia page for April: TLA. Be sure to check out this subsection of the article.

A close runner up was The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, which is quite an extensive article for a country that doesn't exist.


David said...

Those are quite bizarre. I find, even in this heart of coal, some sympathy for the poor person who had the time and interest to atually write that. sigh.

Anonymous said...

I feel worse because I read The one on Sesession. Actually I find it odd that a fake country could seceed and be protected under international law (no one finds a problem with this - the grevience is not even mentioned in the legal brief it seems), but that the CSA could not under some very real reasons, like taxation.